21 January 2013

San Sebastián - The End of the Holidays

In Puerto Rico they know how to stretch the holiday season. This past weekend marked the end of the that season in Puerto Rico with the celebration of the San Sebastián street festival. This is the biggest festival in Puerto Rico, so we decided to have a look.

As expected the streets were packed and it took much longer than usually to find parking. We eventually found a garage where we could park but we had to wait about a half an hour for someone to leave before we could get a spot. But this is to be expected in Old San Juan.

With the car safely parked we were free to roam the streets. There were booths with free stuff, food vendors, street performances, parades, artists. You name it, they had it. It was one of the most diverse festivals that I had been to. After a few hours of wandering and wondering we headed back to the car and out of the city. We thought about the concerts and night activities that we were going to miss but the miles long line of cars attempting to get into the district made us glad to be heading to our quiet, uncrowded, home. There's always next year.

Here are just a few of the things we saw at this years San Sebastián festival. Adiós.

The sign says "1,136 Murders in PR in 2012."
And on an island with extremely low legal gun ownership.

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